The Steady Band Kalamoa  On the ANTV show

Bandung, Jawabarat, kalamates
Kalamoa Bands in proclaim to be kicked off the stage musical in Indonesia in May 2012 again today, this time the band, despite both Driant, Marvin, Ae, and Ipin Ubed  will appear  on the show "MANTAP" ANTV with famous dangdut singer Ayu Tingting and Trio Macan.

This photo is not issued by a ANTV
 only the publication of the blog kalamates

   Reportedly also been on stage with the band Utopia and The Titan in the year 2010 will show their best performance, the work - the work was popular from the album soulmate will be displayed in an energetic and stylish, they are typical, and it always gives a special surprise for the fans.

Also curious what song will be brought by kalamoa Band under the auspices of this Management HKS. so dont go any where stay tone and searching Look forward to his appearance on the show soon Steady ANTV

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